Until Now...

I get frequent requests from women in ministry looking for a mentor. Mentors for men are difficult to find, but for women…they’re scarce (really, really scarce). Most go it alone. The need is desperate for mentors to women in ministry.

  • E-Course Library: 30+ courses valued over $1,000 comprised of 200+ videos and 75+ hours of needed ministry wisdom, revelation, insight, and teachings from Dr. Jamie Morgan's decades of ministry experience.

  • Private Community Group: Get feedback, make connections, enjoy support, and run with other women in ministry.

  • Daily Intercession: This is invaluable to the health of your ministry. Intercession is the immune system of the body of Christ. A weak immune system makes you more vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. This benefit alone is priceless.

  • Group Mentoring Roundtables: Monthly roundtables will be conducted via Zoom. The River of God will determine our meeting agendas but will include pertinent Spirit-led discussions.

    An additional option is...

  • 1:1 Individual Mentoring: These every-other-month or monthly telephone mentoring sessions are essential to help with ministry strategies, concerns, struggles, launching a brand new ministry, or taking an existing ministry to the next level.

As a Trailblazer, you will have access to:

Learn More

-Dr. Monica Devanand

"I have truly loved being mentored by Dr Jamie Morgan. She imparted so much wisdom into my life, and her love for God and people truly shines in her teachings and mentoring. I will be forever grateful for every bit of knowledge she has shared, her real life experiences and the fun she brings to this space. Thank you Dr.Jamie for all the sessions and all the amazing resources you so kindly provided me along the way for my own growth and to share in my mentoring work. "

-Deniese Geery

"In all my 40+ years walking with Jesus, I have never truly been discipled or mentored. I'm so thankful God brought Dr. Jamie into my life. I have learned so much and have been challenged to be all God has called me to be. My love for God and those He places in my life has been fueled simply by being obedient to allow such a dynamic woman of God to pour her godly wisdom into me. I am forever thankful to Father for placing Dr. Jamie in my life!"

-Naomi Lynn Reynolds

" I didn't realize how having a mentor would EXCEL my call!!! I look back, and see where God has used Dr. Jamie to CATAPULT me out of my comfort zones, and challenge me to go to heights I would not have gone on my own."

COPYRIGHT © 2024 · Jamie Morgan Ministries  | WEBSITE BY elizabeth McCravy  | TERMS & CONDITIONS